
See Tracks, Think Train

by | Mar 22, 2015 | Business

About every three hours [in the United States] a person or a vehicle is hit by a train, according to Operation Lifesaver.

Virginia Railway Express (VRE) is partnering with Operation Lifesaver and CSX in a safety campaign this summer at stations, on trains and in communities. “Our goal is that no one ever experiences the unnecessary and tragic injury or death of a family member or friend on the tracks,” said Greg Deibler, VRE System Safety and Security Manager.

“We believe the safety of the public and our rider’s is the most important aspect in operating our commuter rail system” Deibler said. “If our message gets someone to pause, fully consider the risks and avoid a shortcut across the tracks or a race with an oncoming train through a crossing, then the work we are doing in the communities is worth it ten-fold.”

“See Tracks, Think Train.  Stay Off, Stay Away, Stay Alive.”

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