Recently, I listened to a very wise man speak about Self Management vs. Time Management. My first thought was that this was a very odd topic for a minister. I was amazed at what he shared, and how he shared it, and I feel the need to share his insights with you. The concept is that we don’t need to learn better time management. Rather, we need to learn better self-management.
We are not able to generate any more time. There are only 24 hours in a day and only seven days in a week…you know the drill. It is what we do and how we decide what we do with our time that matters the most. Ultimately, we are in charge of what is important – and what is not important in our lives (and our business). Of course, there will always be a list of things To Do. It does not mean that they all have to be done today, or even tomorrow.
So, how do you manage your time more efficiently? He suggests that you manage your time through self management. It all comes down to making a decision about what to do with your time.
There are many, many times when we are pulled in three or more directions and have to make a decision about what to do with our time. I hear it over and over again from clients – I have two children that play in two sports and I need to have them on opposite sides of the town, within 15 minutes of each other. It’s really stressful trying to meet their needs and take care of everyone. Because, everyone relies on me! (Kind of self-serving, I think). Well, my immediate thought about this is that you need to enlist the help of a trusted friend who you can share the rides and ease your stress. I’m sure that there is a person who could also benefit from your help, too!
I loved this analogy… “It’s not about the load that you are carrying, rather how you carry the load”. Life is short. There are two ways to approach the knowledge that life is short. The first way, is that life is short and nothing really matters. The second approach is to know that life is short and, because it is short, everything matters. Which approach makes the most sense to you?
One suggestion that can help you through the self-management of life is to actually track your time. Get a cheap-o notebook or tablet and actually document how you spend your time. This can give you a true picture of “how” you spend your time. It is a true reality of how you are prioritizing your time. You don’t have to do this forever, just a few weeks will give you the clear picture of whether you really do have trouble managing your time or managing yourself. Document what you do from the minute you get up until your head hits the pillow at night.
The other suggestion I will make to you is to have a Personal Mission Statement. This is totally separate from your Business Mission Statement. In your Personal Mission Statement identify six “things” that are important to you. Keep your Personal Mission Statement to just six things that are really important to you and the type of life that you chose.
Check back next week – I’ll share with you my Personal Mission Statement and we’ll do a check-in. Need help developing your Personal Mission Statement, just Google “Personal Mission Statements” — you’ll find a wealth of information. Have a great week of Self Management!
Read Linda’s previous columns on Fredericksburg.Today.
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