Fredericksburg City Council and the Fredericksburg Planning Commission will hold a joint public hearing at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 11, on proposed rezoning for the Mill District mixed-use development. The hearing will be held in Council Chambers at City Hall, 706 Caroline St.
The Planning Commission voted on August 27 to recommend the project. The vote was five for, one against, one absent. The Planning Commission again voted on October 8 to recommend the project, this time with the recommendations that the applicant, Dreamland, LLC, include a shoreline management plan with the general development plan (GDP), and one element of that plan incorporates plantings into the living shoreline components of the riparian buffer — the interface between the land and the river. The October 8 vote was six yes and one no.
After the October 8 meeting, two defects were found in the public notification process, Fredericksburg Zoning Administrator Mike Craig said in a memo. “When there is a rezoning or other land use change within one-half mile of the boundary of a neighboring locality the Chief Administrative Officer of that locality needs to be notified,” Craig said. The Mill District within one-half mile of Stafford County, across the Rappahannock River.
In addition, “there were defects in the public notice in the newspaper,” Craig said. “To cure these defects and advance the application in a timely fashion a joint public hearing is being held on November 11th between the Planning Commission and the City Council.”
Call the Clerk of Council at 540-372-1010 to speak at the public hearing.
The Council’s regular sessions are televised live on Cox Channel 24 and Verizon Channel 42 and rebroadcast on Wednesday at noon and on Thursday and Friday at 7:30 p.m.
The 268 page Mill District report is available on the City of Fredericksburg website.
City Council will discuss Mill District rezoning in their work session prior to the regular session meeting. The work session will begin at 5:30 p.m. in room 218 of City Hall.