Renato's owner Elisa Bonilla in front of her downtown restaurant.

Pro bono pasta: Renato’s offering free lunches to children during school closings

by | Jan 9, 2025 | ALLFFP, Business, Fredericksburg

Most local schools have been closed all week, meaning children who rely on school lunches have had to go without. A longtime downtown Fredericksburg restaurant wanted to help with that.

Ristorante Renato on Thursday afternoon provided school children in need with a free meal including spaghetti, a drink, an apple, a snack and a breakfast bar, said Renato’s owner Elisa Bonilla. The restaurant had served about 30 children as of about 2:30 p.m. Thursday. Bonilla said her restaurant plans to do it again Friday if school is again cancelled due to the snow.

Stafford County Public Schools has also extended its free meals program during the extended weather-related closings this week.

On Friday, the division announced that it will offer meals at three locations: Kate Waller Barrett Elementary School, Rocky Run Elementary School, and Edward E. Drew Middle School from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Students are welcome regardless of meal eligibility status, and take-home breakfasts will also be provided during this time.

Bonilla said Renato’s started offering meals during COVID, and they have continued the practice every summer. The restaurant recently started a nonprofit called Renato’s Spreading Smiles that also has helped Fredericksburg-area children get winter coats, school supplies, shoes, Christmas presents, hygiene products and more.

“The community has given us everything,” Bonilla said. “We just wanted to give back.”

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