Students at elementary school recycled over 3,000 pounds of paper.

Students celebrate paper drive with pizza party

by | May 20, 2024 | ALLFFP, Education, Environmental, Fredericksburg

Students at Hugh Mercer Elementary School in Fredericksburg were celebrated for their participation in a paper recycling pilot program on Friday. The Rappahannock Regional Solid Waste Management Board (R-Board) partnered with the Fredericksburg Clean and Green Commission to launch the pilot program at the elementary school.

The students collected paper in recycling bins provided by the R-Board. Then they took their bins to the cafeteria area to be weighed and recorded on a bulletin board dedicated to the recycling contest. In just under two weeks, the students collected 3,152 pounds of paper to be recycled.

The top recyclers for each grade were as follows:

Ms. Roger’s kindergarten class: 90.47 pounds

Ms. Goldberger’s first grade class: 319.21 pounds

Ms. Swisher’s second grade class: 85.25 pounds

Ms. Phipp’s third grade class: 334.72 pounds

Ms. Lawson’s fourth grade class: 204.3 pounds

Ms. O’Neill’s fifth grade class: 219.85 pounds

The winning classes received a pizza party, a classroom certificate for each student, and a 5R’s take-home survey to complete with their families. The remaining classes also took home the survey and can get a free recycling bin from the R-Board for their homes.



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