
WATCH: Free Press forecast with Sean Sublette

by | Sep 13, 2024 | ALLFFP, Fredericksburg, Weather

  • Dry and seasonable weekend, rain expected next week
  • Coastal system moves inland to bring clouds and rain Tuesday and Wednesday
  • Sun and clouds, afternoons near 80 through Sunday
  • Not quite as cool at night this weekend: low 60s
  • More clouds, showers, east breezes most of next week

Fair weather continues — with no rain — through at least Sunday and perhaps Monday.

Early next week, a new storm system is expected to take shape along the Carolina coast and move inland, bringing the chance for rain across most of Virginia.

At least some rain is expected between Monday night and Wednesday next week across the Fredericksburg region. Although it is too early for precise rain forecast amounts, about a half-inch is a good starting guess.

Rain is needed, as most of the Fredericksburg region has had less than 0.10” of rain since the start of September, allowing drought to creep back into place.

After nine consecutive days with temperatures below normal, the cool and dry weather pattern ends early next week.

Sean Sublette is a Virginia-based meteorologist and owner of Sublette Weather and Consulting.

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