Stafford Firefighter W. Morgan has been officially presented with the Medal for Bravery award for actions taken on a call in May of 2023. The Medal for Bravery is the second highest individual honor the Stafford County Fire and Rescue Department can give an individual. It is presented to a member who distinguishes themselves through showing courage, with disregard for personal safety, in an effort to save life or property. Officials say while personnel go above and beyond each and everyday, there are certain instances that distinguish themselves from others.
While attempting to provide patient care in the back of an ambulance in May of 2023, the patient suddenly attempted to disarm an accompanying Sheriff’s deputy. Firefighter Morgan recognized the potentially deadly consequences, and quickly subdued the patient, without causing further injury, before they could gain access to the deputy’s service weapon.
Firefighter Morgan, and his partner that day, Technician Edwards, were honored for their efforts at our awards banquet earlier this year, but the medal was officially presented on Thursday.

Photos courtesy Stafford Fire and Rescue