
Hood Drive scheduled to reopen Friday morning in Spotsylvania

by | Jul 19, 2024 | Spotsylvania, Ted Schubel, Traffic, Transportation

VDOT says Hood Drive in Spotsylvania will reopen to two-way traffic this morning. Kelly Hannon with VDOT says the reopening means southbound traffic can again use Hood Drive to travel from Route 208 (Courthouse Road) to Route 1.

For traffic on westbound Courthouse Road, the reopening of the southbound lane of Hood Drive means westbound traffic can again turn left onto southbound Hood Drive. As part of the Hood Drive reopening Friday morning, westbound Courthouse Road traffic will be permitted to turn left onto Hood Drive or make a U-turn to eastbound Courthouse Road on a green arrow signal or after yielding to oncoming traffic on a flashing yellow arrow signal.

Hood Drive was limited to carrying northbound traffic only in July 2023 to provide space for construction crews building turn lanes at several intersections.

Hannon says according to a recent VDOT traffic count, approximately 11,000 vehicles a day travel on Hood Drive.

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