VDOT says tests of the high-strength concrete being used to improve the bridge on Route 2 (Tidewater Trail) over Bowies Pond outside of Bowling Green passed. Traffic has been shifted to the opposite lane, allowing crews to start work on the remaining half of the bridge.

VDOT started this project in January and planned for this project to be finished by early April, and for both travel lanes to be open. Due to the high volume of traffic on Route 2 (more than 6,000 vehicles a day), VDOT wanted to use high-performance, highly durable concrete. The first concrete mix used for the project did not gain enough strength. Engineers then identified a new concrete mix and started again. The new concrete mix required three consecutive days and nights with consistent 50-degree temperatures at a minimum. VDOT says the weather over the past two weeks cooperated.
Work on the remaining half of the Bowies Pond bridge will be underway through late May. Route 2 will be controlled by a temporary traffic signal until that time. There will be periods of time where the concrete is curing and site activity will be minimal.
From VDOT: “Thank you to all Route 2 travelers for your patience and for everyone driving free from distractions in this work zone.”