After an active fire day on Wednesday, area fire and rescue continues to monitor hot spots.
Prince William Fire and Rescue says crews were in position to keep an eye on the Locust Shade fire during the night hours. Thursday morning units went back to the scene to extinguish hot spots. The area involved is described as heavily wooded with deep ground cover making it extremely difficult to fully extinguish. Smoke and the smell of smoke will most likely linger in the area. There is no threat to any structures or residents in the area.
The weather is predicted to be slightly better today. The National Weather Service has issued a Special Weather Statement for elevated fire weather conditions across the entire region through Thursday night. Due to the increased fire danger, outdoor burning is strongly discouraged in Stafford County today.
The Culpeper County Volunteer Fire Department says Wednesday was a busy day for all of the departments in the county. Yesterday Reva had 14 members on four apparatus at the Obannons Mill fire. Units were released early Thursday after 12 hours of operating on various calls.
Fauquier County Fire and Rescue says members from every single department in Fauquier came out to respond to the 71 calls for service. Together with the support from Fauquier County Sheriffs Office, VDOT, and the Communications division, and some new recruits, all fires were contained and all members returned to their stations safely. Volunteers from Remington, Goldvein, and Warrenton continued the fight late into the night providing support to neighboring counties.
Local fire officials say the biggest factor that will help is the prediction of weaker winds today, but other conditions will continue to dry fine fuels (vegetation). However, rain is on the way being forecasted for Friday evening into Saturday.