Celebrations of springtime are a treat for the eyes, with colorful gardens of flowers, pastel dresses and decorated eggs. Since 2011, the festivities at Gari Melchers Belmont have also included an auditory element—beeping eggs.
This modern twist on an old tradition, which honors the Easter parties hosted by Corrine Melchers for local children with puppet shows and egg rolling, is designed specifically for visually impaired or blind children and their caregivers. Instead of relying on vision, children can find the plastic eggs, made and donated by volunteers from the International Association of Bomb Technicians and Investigators, by following the chirping sound they emit.
Sighted siblings are also encouraged to join in the egg hunt with a blindfold.
This year’s hunt is March 24, from 2-4 p.m. Partygoers can also visit a petting zoo and a touch-a-tractor station and take part in sensory activities. In the art gallery, verbal descriptions and touch tours open the experience up to all guests.
Education manager Michelle Crow-Dolby organizes the event and enjoys finding ways to share Belmont with area children.
“As a museum educator, I am grateful to help orchestrate a meaningful event that not only resonates with our site’s history, but also makes our collections accessible to an under-served museum population.”
Guests are asked to RSVP by calling Crow-Dolby at 540-654-1851.