
Route 606 traffic in Spotsy to shift on Thursday

by | Jan 3, 2024 | Traffic

VDOT says Route 606 (Mudd Tavern Road/Morris Road) traffic in County will be shifted slightly into a new temporary pattern starting the evening of Thursday, Jan. 4.   Traffic will be shifted overnight between 7 p.m. Thursday and 3 a.m. Friday, Jan. 5.

 One travel lane will remain open in each direction on Mudd Tavern Road between Route 1 and Interstate 95, and on Morris Road near the Route 1 intersection. Lanes will be shifted slightly north.

 VDOT says you should follow signs, pavement markings, and construction barrels guiding them through the work zone. If work is canceled for Thursday evening, the traffic shift will occur between 7 p.m. Friday, Jan. 5 and 3 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 6.

 After the shift, a separate right turn lane will reopen for westbound Mudd Tavern Road traffic turning onto northbound Route 1. Westbound Mudd Tavern Road traffic will also use a shared left turn lane and through lane at the Route 1 intersection.

 On Morris Road, no change will be made to the configuration of the shared left turn, right turn, and through travel lane for eastbound traffic approaching Route 1.

 On Route 1 southbound, a right turn lane will open for traffic turning onto westbound Morris Road.

 Project Background

 Construction started in Feb. 2023 to widen Mudd Tavern Road to four lanes. The road carries around 15,000 vehicles a day between Route 1 and I-95.

 Two projects are being built through a single construction contract. A $21.6 million project is widening Mudd Tavern Road, and an $8 million project is building Route 2092, a new secondary road parallel to Mudd Tavern Road that will intersect with Dan Bell Lane and South Roxbury Mill Road.

 When construction is complete in May 2025, Mudd Tavern Road will have a roundabout approximately halfway between I-95 and Route 1 to provide access for travelers seeking Route 2092.

 Route 2092 will be a two-lane road and will improve connections between several properties north of Mudd Tavern Road in the Thornburg area. Another roundabout will control traffic at the access road’s midpoint.

 Sidewalks and a shared use path will be added along sections of Mudd Tavern Road, creating new space to walk, run, or bike. Crosswalks and new traffic signal equipment will be installed at pedestrian crossings. New sidewalk will connect with existing sidewalk on the I-95 overpass.

 The projects are a partnership between Spotsylvania County and the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT).

 Spotsylvania County applied to partially fund the Mudd Tavern Road widening project through Virginia’s SMART SCALE program. Additional funding is being provided through county investment, and through VDOT’s revenue-sharing program, which matches county funds with state transportation dollars.

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