Can you help identify any of the individuals? These photos come from the Fredericksburg Police Facebook page. They were involved in either vandalizing or stealing Ohana, the Otter statue, in front of the James Monore Museum on Charles Street. It is unknown whether the groups were working together or whether the theft and vandalism were separate incidents.
First photo: The first crime occurred Friday night at approximately 11:30 p.m. when the male on the left vandalized the otter statue by kicking it. His actions damaged the rock it was mounted on while the others in the group stood by and took videos.
Second photo: The second crime occurred early Saturday at approximately 12:30 a.m. when they successfully pulled the otter statue from the rock and left, placing the otter in the trunk of a sedan.
To identify them, contact the police at 540-373-3122 and reference report number 2023-004801. To make an anonymous tip, send a text to “847-411” and text “FPDtip” followed by your tip. Or, download the free FPD Tip app available for Android and iPhones. Search “FPD Tip” in the Google or iTunes App Store to download the app.

Here’s a photo from Visit Fredericksburg of the area where the missing otter was located