From the Stafford Sheriff’s Office:
One 19-year-old Stafford man was identified as the sole vandal for the Leeland Station and Ridge Point subdivisions onslaught due to the hard-working deputies and detectives of Stafford County. After multiple days working with the Commonwealth’s Attorney, warrants have been obtained.
In the early hours of August 2nd, many residents in and around Leeland Station and Ridge Point woke up to discover their vehicle tires slashed, and their vehicle windows damaged, or broken. Throughout the day, deputies responded to each and every victim to document the damages, as detectives worked on identifying the suspect. Due to everyone’s involvement, as well as, tips from the community, the suspect was identified as Cole Spicer.
Amidst his vandalizing spree, it was discovered he stole from 7-Eleven, located at 327 Deacon Road, and committed domestic assault and battery. On August 2nd at approximately 9:59 p.m. deputies responded to his residence to arrest him on those charges. Spicer attempted to flee; however, that did not go as planned for him and deputies were quickly able to get him into custody.
Spicer was transported to the Stafford County Sheriff’s Office to be interviewed by Detective D.A. Flues. He once again attempted to flee and again had his plans foiled. His unruly behavior continued as he cursed at deputies, flipped over furniture, kicked, head butted, and bit deputies. He was charged with domestic assault and battery, property damage, shoplifting, two counts of fleeing from law enforcement, and two counts of assault on law enforcement. He was held without bond at Rappahannock Regional Jail.
As Detective Flues continued his investigation and consulted with the Commonwealth’s Attorney, Spicer decided he wanted more charges. On August 7th, Spicer assaulted jail staff, resulting in yet another charge.
On Wednesday, Detective Flues was able to obtain four felony destruction of property warrants for Spicer. He continues to be held without bond. Great work to everyone involved in investigating, identifying, finding, and arresting Spicer. Thank you to everyone in the community who sent in tips, pictures, and videos to assist in the investigation. This is still an ongoing investigation and additional charges may be obtained.