The Caroline Sheriff’s Office says after further investigation, fire investigators collected evidence directly linking Joshua Harper to the fire of an abandoned residence that occurred in Caroline County on November 29, 2021. This fire was suspicious in nature and under investigation by fire investigators. Following this information, further investigation found evidence linking Harper to suspicious fires in other jurisdictions. Fire investigators are currently working with authorities in those jurisdictions and additional charges are expected to be placed against Harper. Caroline fire investigators obtained an additional charge of arson against Harper on Tuesday for the November 29, 2021, fire in Caroline County. Harper continues to be held without bond at Pamunkey Regional Jail.

On March 6th while on patrol, Deputy Dobb was flagged down by a concerned citizen, alerting him to a possible house fire on Industrial Drive, in Milford. Deputy Dobb notified dispatch of the information he received and responded to the location the concerned citizen described, finding an abandoned home fully engulfed with fire. Caroline Fire/Rescue responded and extinguished the fire, which completely destroyed the home.
Sheriff’s Office Fire Investigators determined arson to be the likely cause of the fire. After further investigation and information gathering from citizens, 26- year-old Joshua Harper, of Front Royal was developed as a suspect. Fire Investigators knew Harper operated a tractor-trailer and frequented the Milford area. After seeing Harper in Milford, on March 13, investigators approached Harper for the purpose of questioning him about the fire. Shortly following this encounter, Harper was placed under arrest for breaking and entering and arson. Investigators believe the thrill of committing arson to be the motive for the crime, and there is no known connection between Harper and the owners of the property. Harper was transported to Pamunkey Regional Jail where he was held without bond.
Sheriff, Scott Moser stated, I am very thankful for the community involvement in this case. Information gained from concerned and watchful citizens solved this case. Keeping our communities safe requires teamwork with our citizens, and this case is a great example of that teamwork. Together, we will continue to strengthen our community, and make Caroline County a model for others to follow”.