
Caroline Supervisors approve body-worn cameras request by Sheriff Moser

by | Jan 26, 2023 | Police and Fire

The Caroline Board of Supervisors has unanimously approved funding for the purchase of body-worn cameras for the Caroline County Sheriff’s Office.
As one of his first actions as sheriff, Sheriff Scott Moser, requested approval for this funding for the purpose of increasing departmental transparency and accountability. The body-worn cameras being purchased will work in conjunction with the in-car cameras currently installed in Caroline Sheriff’s Office patrol vehicles, creating more effective, streamline recordings. Before voting to approve the funding, Reedy Church District Supervisor, Reginald Underwood, said “Law enforcement is only going to work if the public has faith in the people who are paid to serve and protect them”. Supervisor Underwood further commented that these body-worn cameras would provide people with a sense of confidence.
Sheriff Moser stated, “Maintaining public trust is essential to the effectiveness of the sheriff’s office. Increasing accountability and transparency by implementing body-worn cameras will help build and maintain that trust. I am very thankful for the support of our Caroline County Board of Supervisors. Their commitment to public safety and the citizens of Caroline County is apparent, and together, I look forward to continuing to strengthen our community, making Caroline County a model for others to follow”.
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