
Public invited to complete a survey for FAMPO’s East-West Mobility Study Roadway report

by | Dec 4, 2022 | Traffic

The Fredericksburg Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (FAMPO) published the draft Roadway report of an ongoing Planning study titled, “The Intraregional Multimodal East-West Mobility Study.” The study aims to identify solutions to moving people and goods along east-west corridors in the
region to compliment improvements to I-95, the VRE & Amtrak rail corridor, the replacement to the Harry Nice Bridge, as well as some upgrades to US Route 1 that move people from north to south. The FAMPO study has identified a set of potential improvements to address east-west mobility in the
Roadway report which is now available for the public to read and comment on.

The public are invited to comment on the following possible infrastructure improvements:
1. Improvements to thirteen roadway corridors,
2. The development of a possible new river crossing bridge,
3. The development of a possible new I-95 interchange, and,
4. Pedestrian and bicycle connections.

The Phase II Roadway report notes which projects can be categorized into long-term or short-term needs. By 2050, thirteen east-west roadway corridors will show high levels of congestion, where congestion is expected even after long-range modeling and updates are complete.   The corridors which see “extreme” levels of congestion, where traffic volumes significantly exceed roadway capacity (volume-to-capacity Ratio >1), include the following: Courthouse Road in Stafford, Warrenton Road (US 17), and Garrisonville Road. In addition to the roads with extreme congestion, Plank Road (Route 3) will see “severe” levels of congestion.

Additional projects proposed within the Phase II Roadway report consist of the following: developing a new river crossing roadway to be built west of I-95 from the City of Fredericksburg to southern Stafford, investing in a new I-95 interchange at either Gordon Shelton Boulevard/Central Park or at Harrison
Road, and developing two new shared use paths (SUP) – the first will provide pedestrian and bicycle connections to the Spotsylvania Towne Centre from Fall Hill Ave and Central Park, and the second will provide a pedestrian and bicycle path on Kings Highway and Chatham Heights Road in southern Stafford.

The East-West Mobility Study Roadway report is now available for the public to comment on. For detailed information, please visit https://www.fampo.gwregion.org/wpcontent/uploads/2022/11/221121_FAMPO_EastWest_Roadway_Draft-Report.pdf.

To provide your input on the Roadways report, please click the survey link here:

https://forms.office.com/r/vUB84frmiN or email FAMPO at [email protected].

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