
Equine escape in Stafford

by | Jun 8, 2022 | Police and Fire

From the Stafford Sheriff’s Office:

We want you to have this release straight from the horse’s mouth, so we’ll get right to the mane event.
For anyone thinking Deputy C.W. Reed was horsing around this morning, well, he was. Enough stalling…
We may not be on the Yellowstone or 6666 Ranch, but Deputy Reed channeled his inner Jimmy and helped corral a couple loose horses on Hartwood Road this morning. Whinny comes to work, Deputy Reed never knows what to expect, certainly not this nightmare. This was a huge responsibility for anyone to be saddled with. A Bonnie and Clydesdale made a run for it, but weren’t expecting the Stafford County Sheriff’s Office!
We are happy to report the deputy didn’t make a foal of himself and the situation is stable. Although they tried to stirrup trouble, the horses are safely home. Thank you to the neigh-bour that assisted with the round-up. Sorry if this isn’t as haylarious as the cow release, but it was spur of the moment.
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