
95 Express Lanes Fredericksburg extension to open end of 2023

by | May 3, 2022 | Traffic

From Transurban:

Transurban, operator of the 495, 95 and 395 Express Lanes, today announced a revised opening date of late 2023 for the 95 Express Lanes Fredericksburg Extension (Fred Ex) project, a public-private partnership between the Commonwealth of Virginia and Transurban. Transurban and Transurban’s design-build partner, a joint venture between Branch Civil and Flatiron Construction (BFJV), began construction in 2019 of the 10-mile extension that will increase capacity and improve access to growing employment centers along this heavily traveled segment of I-95.

Transurban and BFJV have been working through project challenges, including resourcing constraints and the impact of Potomac Formation soils – a geotechnical condition within the corridor that can introduce complexities in construction. Despite these challenges, the project has continued and construction is currently 60% complete. A new Truslow Road Bridge has been completed, and reconstruction of the American Legion Road overpass and several new fly-over ramps are now underway. The project continues to be financed 100% by Transurban and its partners.

“The design, construction and delivery of mega-infrastructure projects is always complex,” said Amanda Baxter, Vice President, Virginia Market & Operations for Transurban North America. “I am pleased to see the power of partnership come together to resolve challenges and find a path forward in the best interest of the Commonwealth, its travelers and communities. This project is crucial to keeping people moving along I-95 and we’re focused on delivering it as soon as possible.”

“We appreciate that the project team has arrived at an outcome that benefits the people most affected by this megaproject – the travelers on I-95,” said Marcie Parker, VDOT Fredericksburg District Engineer. “We will continue in our oversight role to ensure that the project is delivered safely, is built with quality and is completed as soon as possible.”

The project will deliver two new reversible high-occupancy toll lanes; seven new bridges; and new access points to Route 17, Old Courthouse Road, and Marine Corps Base Quantico, where more than 28,000 people work and reside. When completed, the new Express Lanes will provide 66% more capacity during peak periods and will move 30% more people and 23% more vehicles, helping reduce congestion along one of the Commonwealth’s worst “hot spots.”

Along with its travel benefits, the project is supporting Virginia’s economy and competitiveness. It is anticipated to generate $1 billion in economic activity and 9,100 jobs during construction alone. The project will connect to VDOT’s Rappahannock River Crossing project to further improve connectivity. When complete, Fred Ex will create a 49-mile system of reversible Express Lanes between Stafford County – Northern Virginia’s fastest growing county – and Washington, D.C.

Transurban has a strong track record of working alongside the Commonwealth to deliver complex megaprojects including the 495 Express Lanes, the 95 Express Lanes, and the 395 Express Lanes – all delivered on time and on budget.

“We remain committed to this project, to our partners and to the community that is counting on us,” said Scott Evans, Branch Civil Senior Vice-President of Operations. “We are mobilized and focused on delivering what will be a transformational project for the Fredericksburg area.”

About the Express Lanes operated by Transurban
The 495, 95 and 395 Express Lanes provide drivers in Northern Virginia with faster and more predictable travel options along more than 50 miles of highway. Thanks to a public-private partnership between the Virginia Department of Transportation and Transurban, the Express Lanes give drivers reliable travel choices on the region’s most congested roadways. For more information, head to ExpressLanes.com.

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