
Tree Fredericksburg holding a free tree giveway on April 23rd

by | Apr 8, 2022 | Events

Tree Fredericksburg, in partnership with Bartlett Tree Research, Friends of the Rappahannock, and We Plant Trees will be giving away 2500 native seedling trees (2-4 ft high) at the Earth Day Festival on Saturday, April 23rd at Old Mill Park, 2201 Caroline Street, 22401. The event begins at 11 a.m. and ends at 4 p.m., weather permitting.  The trees are available for anyone living in the Fredericksburg region. The limit is three trees per household.  The giveaway begins at 11 a.m. at the Tree Fredericksburg booth at Old Mill Park and continues until supplies are gone.  Reservations will not be accepted prior to the event. Availability is on a “First Come” basis.

There are 15 varieties of trees available: Red Maple, Dogwood, Redbud, White Oak, River Birch, Eastern Red Cedar, Blackgum, White Pine, Bald Cypress, Black Cherry, Sweet Bay Magnolia, Serviceberry, Witch Hazel, Persimmon, and Swamp White Oak. For more detailed information regarding each tree species visit WWW.TreeFredericksburg.org

The free trees are made possible with a generous donation from Tree Fredericksburg, Bartlett Tree Experts, Friends of the Rappahannock, and We Plant Trees.  All recipients of trees must agree to plant, mulch and care for their tree as per Tree Fredericksburg standards.  Correct care of a tree is critical to its growth and health. Tree Fredericksburg Tree Stewards will be on hand to show proper planting and mulching techniques.

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