From the Stafford Sheriff’s Office:
Two suspects face assault by mob charges after an incident in Towne Center at Aquia last week.
On February 27th at 2:48 a.m. Deputy C.S. Harding responded to Stafford Hospital Center for an assault complaint. The victim had injuries to his eye and nose and was receiving treatment from hospital staff.
The male victim relayed he witnessed a former friend identified as Tyrone Archie, 35, of Woodbridge, drag another subject out of Jay’s Sports Lounge. The victim followed outside to determine why Archie had done this. He was met with a push and numerous punches to his face from Archie. Archie’s girlfriend, Joel “Lexi” Clark, 33, of Triangle, joined in the pummeling of the victim.
The victim received stitches near his eye and was treated for a fractured nose. Warrants for assault by mob were obtained for both Archie and Clark. Oddly enough, Clark had applied for a job earlier in the day at Jay’s, so all her information was readily available for the deputy. Archie turned himself in this morning and was released on an unsecure bond. Deputies are still trying to locate Clark.
The subject that was dragged from the business was not identified.