
Free virtual event helps adults learn to spot signs of adolescent substance abuse

by | Dec 4, 2021 | Events

For teenagers, hats can do more than hide a bad hair day. They can also camouflage a bad habit. A free virtual workshop will help parents and other adults who work with youth learn how to spot the signs of substance abuse by sleuthing in a teen’s bedroom.

Be Well Rappahannock and Planning District 16 community partners will present Virtual Hidden in Plain Sight on Thursday, Dec. 9 from 6:30-7:30 p.m.

Virtual Hidden in Plain Sight allows parents and caregivers a unique virtual opportunity to look into a teen’s mock bedroom. The room is full of common household items that could be used to hide or disguise drug, alcohol, or tobacco use and other risky behaviors.

The presentation will offer a virtual opportunity to “snoop” in a mock youth bedroom and the chance to ask questions of a panel which will include a medical provider, substance use disorder treatment professionals, an individual in recovery, law enforcement officers and social services employees. Participants will learn about new trends in adolescent substance abuse and about resources available to help. Please note that this program is for adults only.

The program is free, but registration is required. Register online at https://bit.ly/HIPS12-2021.  For details, contact Sherry Norton-Williams at [email protected].

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