
Honoring a Caroline County teacher

by | Oct 3, 2021 | Education

From Caroline County Schools:

Rodney Smith Jr, founder of Raising Men and Women Lawn Care Service which provides free lawn service to the elderly, disabled, single mothers, and veterans, is currently traveling around the country honoring one teacher in each state and mowing a patch of lawn at their school.

Our very own Larry Lewis, P.E. teacher at Caroline High School and Army veteran was chosen as the teacher for Virginia.

Mr. Smith spoke to Mr. Lewis’ class, conducted an interview with Mr. Lewis, and then Mr. Smith mowed the lawn in front of Caroline High School before packing up his mower and heading to the next state. (Mr. Lewis and Principal Just also got behind the mower for a few runs).


Thank you for making a difference Mr. Lewis and Mr. Smith!

Photos courtesy Caroline County Schools

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