
Route 207 southbound bridge finished in Caroline

by | Sep 22, 2021 | Traffic

Construction was completed this week to replace the Route 207 (Rogers Clark Boulevard) southbound bridge over the Mattaponi River in Caroline County.

With the southbound bridge now open to traffic, four travel lanes have been restored crossing the Mattaponi River on Rogers Clark Boulevard. Since spring 2020, Route 207 had been temporarily reduced to one travel lane in each direction, and traffic had been crossing the river using the northbound lanes.

The $7.9 million project demolished the previous bridge, which was built in 1957 and was classified as structurally deficient based on its condition. A new concrete bridge was installed on concrete beams. New guardrail and pavement was added at the bridge’s approaches.

Virginia’s State of Good Repair program funded the bridge replacement. The program dedicates state maintenance funds to restoring deficient bridges and pavements.

During construction, the speed limit was temporarily reduced to 45 mph in the work zone. The temporary speed limit has been removed, and the previous 60 mph speed limit has been restored.

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