
City Police to construct soft interview room for victims of sexual assault and major crimes

by | May 31, 2021 | Police and Fire

From City Police:

As part of their commitment to delivering unparalleled service, the Fredericksburg Police Department Detective Division worked tirelessly over the last few months to raise funds to construct a soft interview room for victims of sexual assault, aggravated assault, and other major  crimes. The soft interview room is designed to make victims feel more comfortable sharing  details of the crime with detectives conducting their investigation. By having a separate and
relaxing space, victims do not have to sit in the same sterile interview room as their offenders.

The soft interview room will enhance the Police Department’s ability to work crimes benefiting
not just the victims, but the entire City of Fredericksburg.

The soft interview room is a feature the Detective Division wanted for a long time. Call it divine intervention or serendipity, Detective Chewning had a conversation one day with Judy Thompson, a volunteer at the Rappahannock Council Against Sexual Assault, about soft interview rooms and why the Department needs one. Within a few months, Detective Chewning received a call from Judy Thompson who said she had found community members willing to donate the funds to construct a soft interview room. The addition cost approximately $16,000 to construct.

Donations also went towards decorating the room as well as stocking it with items to comfort victims and make them feel at ease. Detective Schafer reached out to Powell’s Furniture who agreed to donate furniture for the room. “This group of detectives never settle for mediocrity and always puts the needs of victims first. I am beyond proud of their efforts and know how comforting it will be to victims in the future to have a warm, reassuring place to talk with detectives,” said Chief Brian Layton.

On behalf of the Fredericksburg Police Department, thank you to our donors for making
this aspiration a reality:
• Barry and Judy Thompson
• Resurrection Lutheran Church Dream! Ministry Capital Campaign
• Rappahannock Council Against Sexual Assault
• Rick and Marie Drom
• Powell’s Furniture

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