From the Ferry Farm Pool Facebook Page:
I’ve lived in this area for nearly 45 years now and never been so upset as I was this a.m. Ferry Farm swimming pool has not just been a community pool to me but more like Family. I’ve never seen such destruction as what I was greeted with today. If you or anyone you know has any information on this vandalism, please reach out to me via PM. It occurred last night, Friday May 7th. Suspect(s) will more than likely have red paint on their clothing, shoes and hands. If you live near the pool and have security cameras please check them for any suspicious activity from last night.
If you’d like to become a member, we welcome you. If you haven’t paid your dues yet, please do as soon as possible!
We don’t have much money in our account. Each year its a struggle to get open. Donations are welcome. Business advertisers can rent space on our fence as well.
Please feel free to reach out.
-Scott Montrief, President