
Stafford Schools holding Operation Warm fundraiser September 26th

by | Sep 20, 2020 | Education

Stafford County Public Schools, in partnership with Stafford County Fire and Rescue and the Stafford Education Foundation, will host a fundraiser to support Operation Warm at the Augustine Golf Club on Saturday, September 26, from 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. During this event, the golf club will donate $4 for every bucket of balls used on the driving range and $10 for every round of golf played to Operation Warm.

For every $20 raised, Operation Warm provides a child in need with a new winter coat. This year, Stafford Schools  has a $15,000 fundraising goal.

Mr. Chris R. Fulmer, Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Administration, SCPS; Chief Mark Doyle, Volunteer Fire Chief, Stafford County Fire and Rescue; and Mr. David Wieder, Vice President, Stafford Education Foundation will attend the event.

For more information, or to make a donation to the SCPS Operation Warm, please visit https://www.staffordschools.net/OperationWarm.

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