
Stafford to hold 9/11 ceremony Friday morning

by | Sep 10, 2020 | Events

Stafford will hold its annual 9/11 Ceremony this year to honor the lives of lost emergency professionals and civilians this Friday at 9:00 a.m. The ceremony will be broadcast live on Facebook, and officials ask potential attendees to consider viewing it online in light of the pandemic. Otherwise, attendees will be asked to wear masks and socially distance. Members of the Stafford Sheriff’s Office assisted in both New York City and the Pentagon in the days following the events of September 11.

“We thought it was important to go ahead with the ceremony despite the pandemic because we knew we could hold the event safely,” said Stafford Fire and Rescue Chief Joseph Cardello. “This is our way of honoring them so that their families and our community know that we will not forget them.”

The ceremony takes place near the entrance to the Government Center at 1300 Courthouse Road, Stafford, VA, at 9:00 a.m. Chief Cardello will perform the bell ringing ceremony, which involves five tolls, a signal that traditionally marked the safe return of firefighters to the station. The bell-ringing is also used at funerals for fire and rescue personnel. To view the event, please visit www.facebook.com/StaffordCountyGovernment. You do not need a Facebook account to view the event.

Chief Cardello, Sheriff David Decatur and Board of Supervisors Chairman Meg Bohmke will be the featured speakers.


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