From Black Lives Matters FXBG:
Dear Fredericksburg,
It has come to our attention that our organization (Black Lives Matter FXBG) has been faulted for the actions of many protesters in downtown. Although their angers and frustrations at the current events taking place are the same as we feel, we do not condone, support, or cater to the protesters that are/have caused destruction, fear, mischief, and hurt. We believe in these hard times and through these difficult trials, positivity and love must remain the focus to achieve a positive change. Anger can be used for good if controlled and expressed properly. Black Lives Matter FXBG holds rallies and marches every Wednesday. We have and will hold our own accountable during our marches but please do not be confused about what we stand for. We will get the justice we need through our voices of love and peace.
Sincerely #BLMFXBG