From Caroline County Schools
As soon as Mr. Just, Principal of Caroline High School (CHS), heard Governor Northam’s announcement on March 23 closing K12 schools for the remainder of the academic year, the administrative team began thinking of ways to ensure the Cavalier Class of 2020 would be recognized and celebrated! Initially, Mr. Just had maintained hope for a traditional graduation ceremony during the summer, but when that no longer seemed feasible, the staff at Caroline High School shifted into overdrive to plan a graduation that would never be forgotten by the 262 Cavalier graduates. Having heard of a neighboring school division’s success with alternative graduation plans, Mr. Just reached out to colleagues at Louisa High School and determined the Lion’s model to be perfect for Caroline High School.
Adjusting to the state guidelines for social distancing, CHS is preparing to host personalized graduation ceremonies spanning May 26th-May 29th at the Caroline High School stadium. Rather than the entire class crossing the stage at the same time, a more intimate experience is planned to safeguard against the spread of COVID-19. Each student will be assigned a graduation time slot during which every graduate will receive awards, be presented with his or her diploma, have individual and family photographs taken, and receive a Class of 2020 shirt and yard sign.
Seniors will be informed in the coming days of their individual graduation date and time. After moving through a series of senior stations, each diploma ceremony will last about 6 minutes per graduate. Rain dates are scheduled May 30-June 2. Candid photos will be posted online and a video will be created of the entire Senior Class graduation and shared after the conclusion of the ceremonies. Pre-recorded student speeches will be included to ensure a way to honor this year’s student leaders.
Planning the modified ceremony took a collective effort involving school administrators, central office personnel, the Sheriff’s office, teachers, and students. Principal Just had two priorities, “…to create a positive and memorable experience for these amazing students and to ensure everyone’s safety as our Caroline families and staff wish the Class of 2020 a very special congratulations.”