
What was the last book you read?

by | Jan 12, 2020 | Events

From the Central Rappahannock Regional Library:

Central Rappahannock Regional Library (CRRL) is offering its 3rd annual Winter Reading Challenge for adults January 1 through March 31, 2020. CRRL customers 16 or older can sign up at librarypoint.org/winter.

Similar to CRRL’s Summer Reading program, participants can complete online missions to earn digital badges and chances to win movie tickets or a bag of books. Participants who log four or more books will receive a limited-edition CRRL travel mug while supplies last.

Participants can join the library’s Book Chat Facebook group to encourage other readers, trade book reviews, and share photos. An Adult Winter Reading Challenge app for Apple and Android is available from Readsquared to participate on the go! Once the app is installed, search for “Central Rappahannock Regional Library,” then select the Adult Winter Reading Challenge.


Over 2,000 readers participated in last year’s Winter Reading Challenge.


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