
SCC reminds Virginians to prepare for the holiday season by reviewing insurance coverage

by | Dec 23, 2019 | Business

From The State Corporation Commission:

Although the holidays for many are filled with food, fun, friends and goodwill, they also bring an array of hazards that can impact your insurance coverage. Stolen presents, slip-and-falls on icy walkways and blazes caused by flickering candles, overloaded outlets and holiday cooking mishaps are just a few.
The State Corporation Commission’s (SCC) Bureau of Insurance reminds Virginians to make sure their holiday to-do list includes checking with their insurance agent or company to ensure they have the insurance coverage they need in the event of an illness, theft or mishap.

“Whether you are at home or on the road, don’t let a lack of insurance coverage dampen your holidays financially,” said Virginia Insurance Commissioner Scott A. White. “Plan now for holiday hazards and minimize their financial damage by ensuring your insurance coverage is up-to-date.”

Use extra caution to keep your home, vehicle, other belongings and personal information safe during the holidays. Know how much your auto and homeowners insurance will cover if someone steals gifts, decorations or other items from your vehicle, home or yard. Know, too, what type of insurance you need in the event your special holiday meal or decorative candles go up in flames; your undercooked turkey sends guests to the hospital, or frozen pipes burst causing water damage while you’re away. Understand any deductibles or coverage limits that may apply. Make an early New Year’s resolution to update your home inventory. This will help you ensure your homeowners or renter’s policy provides enough coverage for your belongings. Separate coverage may be needed for high-cost items such as jewelry, art or electronics. The National Association of Insurance Commissioners’ free smartphone app — myHome Scr.APP.book — makes creating a home inventory quick and easy. This app is available through iTunes and Google Play.


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