From Stafford County
Stafford residents will have another choice added to commuting options on November 4 when OmniRide launches a ride service in the county. The new routes are Express bus routes from the Staffordboro Commuter Lot to L’Enfant Plaza and the Pentagon. The routes were authorized by the Commonwealth Transportation Board as part of the Commuter Choice program on the I-395/95 corridor. Funding for the routes is being provided by Transurban, builders of the I-95 Express Lanes.
“Members of our Board over the years have worked with regional organizations to ensure commuters have multiple options such as van pools, express lanes, commuter rail, commuter lots to encourage carpooling and bus lines,” said Chairman of the Board of Supervisors Gary Snellings, Hartwood District. “New options don’t just happen; we work hard behind the scenes to find ways to ease congestion and get everyone to work and home as quickly as possible.”
Rides on the new OmniRide buses north will be free from November 4, 2019, to December 31, 2019. Stafford welcomes OmniRide’s first bus route offering outside Prince William County. In Stafford, OmniRide Route 543 will offer four morning trips and four afternoon/evening trips serving the 14th Street corridor and L’Enfant Plaza. OmniRide Route 942 will offer four direct trips to the Pentagon in the mornings and five return trips in the afternoon/evenings.
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