From Stafford County
The date for reopening Brooke Road to through traffic near Stagecoach Road has changed. The closure is being extended to late September. Brooke Road was closed to through traffic on September 17, 2018. Record-setting rainfalls impacted the progress of construction and led to an earlier delay.
The delay to September is due to two unexpected factors discovered during construction. First, materials being used in the wetlands area were not performing satisfactorily. County staff, VDOT and the contractor had to work together to find a substitute. They then had to submit and receive VDOT approvals. Second, it was determined the plan for relocating Dominion lines needed to change, requiring the need to obtain additional utility easements.
Enhancements to Brooke Road include horizontal and vertical realignment, lane and shoulder widening and sight distance improvements. The road closure is necessary to extend box culverts located beneath the road and install piling between the culverts. The project calls for modifications to road grades and curvature to enhance safety. All residents living within the construction area will continue to be able to reach their property throughout the project.
More information may be found about the Brooke Road Safety Improvement Project on Stafford’s website