View an online map of the Wyche Road alignment that will open at a new intersection with Courthouse Road on Thursday, May 16, weather permitting. The shift is anticipated to occur after the morning peak travel period. Wyche Road remains under construction in this area.
When the road opens on May 16, it will not be in its final condition. Motorists will experience temporary traffic patterns, signs, pavement conditions, and pavement markings. An additional traffic shift on Wyche Road will be required later in the project.
Starting on May 16, motorists on Courthouse Road seeking to reach Wyche Road must use the new intersection, which is slightly east of the current intersection. Traffic will no longer be able to access Wyche Road from the entrance to the temporary Park & Ride commuter lot and traffic signal.
Read more about the Wyche Road shift in the news release and visit the project page at to learn more about the entire project, which finishes no later than end of July 2020.