Throughout the month of May, drivers on Route 3 in Fredericksburg can expect overnight lane closures, Interstate 95 ramp closures and temporary traffic patterns at the Exit 130 interchange.
Nighttime construction activity is intensifying as crews grow closer to opening up a separate, free-flow lane from the I-95 southbound exit ramp to Carl D. Silver Parkway. Weather permitting, the free-flow lane is scheduled to open in late May.
The new lane is part of the I-95 Safety Improvements Project. This $21 million project is modifying on- and off-ramps at the Route 3 interchange to reduce vehicle merging and weaving that can lead to crashes, injuries and congestion for local traffic and on the interstate.
I-95 Southbound Exit Ramp Closed Nightly May 6-10
Nighttime paving work will close the Interstate 95 southbound exit ramp to Route 3 westbound for five evenings next week.
The Exit 130B ramp to Route 3 westbound will be closed from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. nightly beginning Sunday, May 6 through Thursday, May 10.
Vehicles exiting to Route 3 westbound from I-95 southbound will be detoured to use Exit 130A to Route 3 eastbound. Once on Route 3 eastbound, traffic can U-turn at the first intersection, Gateway Boulevard, to access Route 3 westbound.
Virginia State Police will be present to assist with the interstate ramp closure. Signs will be posted along the detour route to guide motorists.
Message boards will be posted this week on the I-95 southbound exit ramp to notify travelers.
Crews are paving the exit ramp before opening the free-flowing lane to Carl D. Silver Parkway. It will allow I-95 southbound traffic to directly exit the interstate and enter the Central Park area without any merging required.
Route 3 Westbound Turn Lane to Close Temporarily at Carl D. Silver Parkway
Beginning at 9 p.m. on Sunday, May 6, the double right turn lane from Route 3 westbound to Carl D. Silver Parkway will be reduced to a single right turn lane. Traffic turning right into the Central Park area from Route 3 westbound will be reduced to a single right turn lane for approximately two weeks.
Crews must close this second turn lane temporarily as part of the effort to open the free-flowing lane from the exit ramp to Carl D. Silver Parkway.
Left Turn Restriction at Route 3 and Carl D. Silver Parkway
For several weeks in May, left turns from Route 3 westbound and Route 3 eastbound will be prohibited at the Carl D. Silver Parkway intersection overnight.
Drivers seeking to turn left will be directed to continue driving on Route 3 past the Carl D. Silver Parkway intersection, where they can make a U-turn at Gateway Boulevard or Central Park Boulevard.
Left turns will be prohibited from 10 p.m. to 4 a.m. the following morning starting the evening of Monday, May 7 through the morning of Friday, May 11.
This work zone will repeat again from Sunday, May 13 through Friday, May 18.
Limited Access at Carl D. Silver Parkway Entrance, Exit at Central Park
Traffic entering and exiting the Central Park area at Carl D. Silver Parkway will be limited to right turns in and right turns out during the overnight hours for several weeks in May.
The Carl D. Silver Parkway entrance and exit will be limited to right turns in, and right turns out, from 10 p.m. to 4 a.m. overnight starting the evening of Monday, May 7 through the morning of Friday, May 11.
This traffic pattern will repeat again from Sunday, May 13 through Friday, May 18.
Project Background
Construction on the I-95 Safety Improvements Project at Route 3 began in July 2017 and will be completed by January 2019. The contractor is Branch Civil, Inc.
Additional project details and maps are available on the project page on
Check 511Virginia for real-time information about traffic, incidents, work zones and road conditions in Virginia.