
The Anatomy of the Trade: Determining the Value of Your Used Apple Devices

by | Feb 23, 2018 | Experimac, Partners, Technology

From Experimac

Trading in a used Apple device at Experimac is a great idea! If you’re asking yourself how to go about this or how it might benefit you, look no further.

As an Apple device owner, you know these devices tend to hold onto their value, they are sturdy and usually last years. At Experimac, the money you get from trading it in can go straight to the purchase of a newer model.

The trouble is – how do you determine the value of your used Apple devices? We’ll walk you through the process.


Determining the specific model of your iPhone® device, iPad® tablet, MacBook® laptop, or Mac® computer is the first step to determining your device’s worth. Varied models come with varied specs, and knowing the specific model of your device, tablet, laptop or computer determines most of the trade-in worth.


The condition of your iPhone device, iPad tablet, MacBook laptop or Mac computer is another contributing factor to the value of your trade-in. For example, take a look at the phone’s screen, buttons, and other external components. What condition are they in? The internal health of a device is often overlooked when owners attempt to determine the worth of their trade-in. Did you follow up with necessary updates and how is the battery life, in the case of a phone, tablet or laptop?


Another major contributing factor to your trade-in’s value is the demand for that device, tablet, laptop or computer. Your device could be in great condition and offer awesome specs but if there is not much of a market for your device, you may not get offered much. Fortunately, Apple devices tend to remain in demand for a while, meaning trading in a used Apple device is usually worth the time and trouble.

Not sure whether to trade-in your Apple device? Stop by your local Experimac to find out what your used Apple device is worth. You might be able to upgrade it today!


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