
Every Woman’s Life Program offers free screening services

by | Aug 8, 2017 | Business, Health care

Fredericksburg, VA – The Rappahannock Area Health District (RAHD) was recently awarded a one-year, $18,276 grant from the Mary Washington Hospital Foundation for RAHD’s Every Woman’s Life (EWL) Program to increase awareness of the life-saving benefits of early detection of breast and cervical cancer. The EWL program is a public health program that helps uninsured, low-income women gain access to free breast and cervical cancer screening services. Screening and early detection reduce death rates, improve treatment options and generally increase survival.

The EWL program is subsidized through federal and state grants, and provides essential breast and cervical cancer screenings to women who otherwise could not afford it. The Mary Washington Hospital Foundation grant provides funding for Outreach Worker who makes the public more aware of the program and increases the number of women who receive screenings. The Mary Washington Hospital Foundation and the Rappahannock Area Health District have enjoyed a successful collaborative relationship through the EWL Program for several years.

For more information about the Every Woman’s Life Program, visit the Virginia Department of Health website at http://www.vdh.virginia.gov/every-womans-life/.

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