
Public Hearing March 1 on High School Redistricting in Stafford

by | Feb 25, 2017 | Education

By Sherrie Johnson, Stafford County Public Schools.

The Stafford County School Board is examining a variety of options, including redistricting, to address the increasing current and projected enrollment of students in the division.

The increasing number of students at Colonial Forge High School is of particular concern at this time.

A public hearing is scheduled for 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 1, 2017, at Colonial Forge High School, 550 Courthouse Rd.

In case of inclement weather, this community meeting will take place on March 2.

The school board will consider and vote on high school redistricting options at its meeting on Tuesday, March 14, 2017.

Please visit www.staffordschools.net for more information on redistricting.

Stafford School Board Seeks Input on Redistricting

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