Members of the Board of Directors’ Regional Transportation Action Committee (RTAC) met with Secretary Aubrey Layne, Deputy Secretary Nick Donohue, Commissioner Charlie Kilpatrick, Chief Deputy Commissioner Quintin Elliott, Hap Connors of the Commonwealth Transportation Board earlier this week at Germanna’s Fredericksburg campus. We discussed RTAC’s transportation priorities as well as the House Bill 2 (HB2) process and other funding mechanisms to ease gridlock.
While all agree our region did very well in the first round of the HB2 scoring process, we also agreed the region is in the middle of a transportation crisis and there are limited resources to alleviate the biggest threat to our region’s prosperity at all levels of government.
Of significant concern to the State, the region, and therefore, our Chamber, is VDOT’s application for the federal FASTLANE Grant for its Atlantic Gateway project. This project would benefit the Fredericksburg region immensely – especially as it relates to the extension of the I-95 Express lanes and the Northbound Rappahannock River Crossing – and would catapult our other transportation projects forward.
Unfortunately, the Atlantic Gateway project is in danger of not being funded because it is competing against Maryland’s Memorial Bridge for these federal dollars. The Chamber submitted a letter to Secretary Anthony Foxx in support of the State’s grant application.
Secretary Foxx’s decision will likely be made based on the most vocal Senators in support of their needs. Senators Tim Kaine and Mark Warner might be willing to support this non-Virginia project if they don’t hear from you. VDOT and your Chamber are asking for your help in dissuading them from doing so.
It is imperative to the Fredericksburg region that these federal officials hear from you so major transportation needs in our region can move forward! We urge you to contact our senators and make them fully aware of your support for Virginia’s – and therefore, the Fredericksburg region’s – crucial transportation needs. Tell them you support the Atlantic Gateway project:
The Honorable Timothy M. Kaine
United States Senate
231 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
The Honorable Mark R. Warner
United States Senate
475 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Thank you for being an excellent advocate! Together – we will be successful in demanding solutions to our region’s transportation crisis.
Susan V. Garnett Spears
President & CEO
Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce
2300 Fall Hill Avenue, Suite 240
Fredericksburg, VA 22401
VDOT’s March 31, 2016, Briefing
40 Percent of Workers Commute Outside Region, UMW Study Shows
Virginia officials want to extend 95 Express Lanes to Fredericksburg