Jarvis E. Bailey, Jannan W. Holmes and Charlotte G. Horne are running for two at-large Fredericksburg City School Board seats in the the May 3, 2016, general election.
Fredericksburg Today invited each of the candidates to respond to a brief candidate questionnaire.
Following are the complete and unedited answers provided by Jannan Holmes.
Why are you running for school board?
I am passionate about public school education and I love Fredericksburg. My professional background working with children, adolescents and families for 26 years, and my 13 year volunteer and board experience with the Fredericksburg City Public Schools combines to make me a uniquely qualified candidate for school board.
As my husband and I approach our oldest son leaving for college, and our youngest son following in a couple of years, we would like the flexibility to look at downsizing our house. Being an at-large school board member allows me to continue to work on making Fredericksburg City Public Schools the best they can be, and look at houses outside of Ward 3.
What do you believe are the three most pressing issues facing city schools, and what do you propose to do about these issues? Please limit your response to 100 words per issue.
2a. Budget
The biggest issue facing our board is our expanding enrollment and limited financial resources. Maintaining quality, innovative education, small class size, and continuing to improve our educational offerings is challenging as our student population grows annually and our budget is variable at best. This year it looks like we will have to make some difficult decisions to stay within our budget. I will study all of our options with our staff and our board, and, as a board we will thoughtfully weigh the options before us.
2b. Work Force Readiness
Another issue facing the board is how to provide the best education to all of our students to prepare them for life after high school. Improving our Career and Technical Education (CTE) offerings in a small school division is challenging. We don’t have the resources for a Vocation Training Center, so we have to be creative. We have a student interning at the City Clerk’s office. Should we look at more internship opportunities? We will get creative, and we will find the best way to provide our students with the skills they need to be successful citizens after graduation.
2c. Outside Factors
FCPS has a beautifully diverse population that enriches our schools. We have over 30 languages spoken in our schools, and our students benefit from learning about each other’s cultures in a safe, nurturing environment. We also have diversity in income. Four of our five schools have over 50% of our students who qualify for free and reduced lunch. There is nothing beautiful about arriving at school hungry or tired. There is little enriching about having no books to read at home. While our schools only have these students for a limited school day, we do try to remedy some of the stresses of the outside world to help our students succeed in and out of school.
Please provide a brief biography (100 words maximum), to include your current or previous civic service, education, and occupation.
My husband George and I have been active members in the Fredericksburg community for more than twenty years.
I have worked in the mental health field with children, adolescents and families since 1990. My work as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker keeps me current on the research in development and child/adolescent issues.
My two sons, Max, 15, and Noah, 18, have attended Fredericksburg City Public Schools for their entire education.
I have been an active volunteer for our schools since my children started at Hugh Mercer in 2003.
I have served as Chairperson, and Vice Chairperson of our School Board, and have lobbied on behalf of our schools for public education.
I also served on the board of the Rappahannock Council Against Sexual Assault for nine years and served on St. George’s Vestry for three years.
School Board Candidates
School Board Candidate Questionnaire: Jarvis Bailey
School Board Candidate Questionnaire: Charlotte Horne
School Board Candidate’s Uncle Believes Another Candidate Should Not Be Running
Video: Fredericksburg Candidate Forum by FredXchange
Additional stories about the City of Fredericksburg May 3, 2016, General Election:
Mayoral Candidate Questionnaire: Mary Katherine Greenlaw
Mayoral Candidate Questionnaire: Richard Dynes
City Council Candidate Questionnaire: Kerry Devine
City Council Candidate Questionnaire: Matt Kelly
Video: Closing Statements from Mayoral Candidates Debate
FredXchange Hosts Candidate Forum
City of Fredericksburg May 3 General Election Details
New Voting System Will Be Launched for May 3 General Election
Second Fredericksburg Mayoral Debate Scheduled for April 20
Richard Dynes Enters Race for Fredericksburg Mayor
Mayor Greenlaw Announces Bid for Re-Election
Matt Kelly Announces Re-Election Run