
Cornbread & Caviar Restaurant is Closed

by | Feb 15, 2016 | Business

Cornbread & Caviar has closed. The owners of the restaurant at 570 Celebrate Virginia Pkwy, Suite 103, in Stafford made the announcement February 14, 2016, on Facebook:

“Good evening.

“More than 2 years ago Michelle and I came up with the concepts, menu and finally opened this restaurant with the intention of serving freshly prepared, unpretentious food with service that, as so many have told us, makes them feel like they were invited into our home. We did our level best to please everyone and we know that is not possible. However, we always tried to do that in spite of some folks that just can’t be pleased. It’s par for the course and we have thick skin.

“With that said we were, sadly, forced to close down abruptly last night due to circumstances beyond our control. We did everything in our power to stay open as long as possible but it was just not going to happen. We are very sorry for the folks that had reservations for Valentines dinner. Our’s was ruined as well but I hope all of you that had reservations managed to do something else with your loved one. We’re also sorry for this happening to the people we employed. Our staff was an integral part of us and we could not have done this without them.

“We learned so much about people, met and made friends with so many others. We took great delight in seeing the tens of thousands of people who came through our doors really enjoy our vision of service and food which is sadly lacking in the area. We were especially fond of the little ones and there were so many of them we lost count.

“We’re out of the restaurant business for good unless something crazy happens. We have to survive and we’re diligently working on doing just that. Michelle and I are going to finish cleaning up here at home and take a few days off and hibernate a bit as we need a physical as well as mental break from all of this and then we’ll start over again. We can both hold our heads high knowing we did our best every single day.

“Thanks again everyone for giving us a chance.”

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