Hold This! won Startup Weekend Fredericksburg Veterans Edition on Sunday, Nov. 15, 2015, at the Germanna Community College Center for Workforce and Community Education.
Photo Gallery: Startup Weekend Fredericksburg Veterans Edition
Cofounders John Moulton and Jason Zaluski also won crowd favorite. The startup designed HoldThisCup!, an around the neck, one-time-use cup holder that features advertising. It’s free to the user. The patent is pending.
“I was at a party about a month ago juggling food and beverage while trying to shake a hand, and I came up with this idea,” Moulton said. The former Navy lieutenant commander registered for Startup Weekend at the last minute on a challenge from another local entrepreneur. You can find the company on Facebook and on Twitter at @holdthiscup
The other participants were:
Justin Poole and Zachry Chambers
Website: http://www.surchparty.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SurchParty
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Surchparty-1003371096350365/?fref=ts
Army specialist Poole plans a website and app for finding places to go for local entertainment.
Rich Brown, founder
Website: http://ready-corps.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ReadyCorps/?fref=nf
U.S. Marine Corps combat veteran Rich Brown is launching ReadyCorps “to provide a holistic, comprehensive approach to self-defense and survival,” he said. The company will offer training in nutrition, fitness, self defense, emergency preparedness, life saving, survival and related skills that will improve participants personal safety and prepare them to serve their communities.
Startup Weekend is a 54-hour event during which people pitch ideas for new companies, form teams around those ideas, and work to develop a working prototype, demo, or presentation by Sunday evening.
Startup Weekend Fredericksburg Veterans Edition was open to all, but organizers FredXchange and Germanna Community College encouraged participation by entrepreneurs with a startup idea focused on serving veterans or veterans themselves with a startup idea. This was the fourth Startup Weekend in Fredericksburg.
Photo Gallery: Startup Weekend Fredericksburg Veterans Edition
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