
Mary Washington House Sign Returned

by | Jul 14, 2015 | News

By Susan Larson

After two days of social media posts, the sign that’s marked 1200 Charles St. as “Home of Mary, Mother of Washington” reappeared as mysteriously as it had disappeared.

“Thank you to everyone who helped spread the word that the iconic sign at the Mary Washington House was stolen this weekend. Over thirteen hundred people shared our Facebook and Twitter posts calling for help. As a result of this outpouring of support, local and regional news outlets also reported the loss. With all this attention, the sign returned just as mysteriously as it disappeared. It will need some work before it is remounted, but it should be returned to service soon.”

Washington Heritage Museums, owner of the historic site, took to social media on Sunday, July 12, to tell of decry the theft.

“The sign that has stood at the Mary Washington House since at least 1934 has been stolen. It has kept watch over the house Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. It has been there through good times and bad – through times of peace and war, through good economic times and bad. However, today it is missing. Please let us know if you see or hear anything that might bring our sign home. Please share this post!”

George Washington purchased the house for his mother in 1772. Mary Ball Washington spent her last 17 years here. It’s now open to visitors.

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