Local entrepreneur Chris Muldrow wanted an easier way for he and his wife to keep track of symptoms and medications when his kids got sick. Muldrow designed IckyTrack, a new app designed to keep everyone on the same page when it comes to taking care of sick family members. “The app keeps us from shuffling scraps of paper,” Muldrow said.
IckyTrack is available for $1.99 on the Apple iTunes Store. Users can add the names of anyone they’re caring for — even themselves — as “Ickees.” “When an Ickee gets sick, the user can track temperature readings, symptoms and medicine doses,” Muldrow said. Information can be shared with other users, so a spouse, grandparent, daycare worker or nanny can update and view information.
All of the data is time stamped, and IckyTrack shows a timeline of care. That timeline can be emailed to someone else as well, so users can communicate their care with a doctor.
“All of us have had the moment at the doctor when they ask, ‘When did these symptoms first start?’” Muldrow said. “IckyTrack is a way to save an answer to that question. We’re planning to use it during the spring, just in case we’re out in the woods and find a tick on us.”
IckyTrack has already come in handy for Muldrow. His daughter was diagnosed with strep throat the day the app was approved by Apple. “We certainly didn’t plan it, but we ended up tracking temperatures and amoxicillin all weekend after IckyTrack went live,” Muldrow said.
“Everyone should have a baseline for their health and this app allows you to help create one at the first onset of illnesses,” one reviewer said. “Too often when we get to the doctor we’ve forgotten to ask an important question only to realize it after we’ve left. The more information you have to share with your doctor the better job they can do with their diagnosis. You can also keep track of medicines given and can use it to remind yourself when it’s time for the next round of medicine.”
An Android version of IckyTrack is in development, and it should be released soon.
Muldrow is the owner of Rambletype, a digital development company in Fredericksburg, Va.
There’s more information about IckyTrack, a signup for an Android launch notification and a link to the app at http://ickytrack.com. You may also email [email protected] or call 540-440-1218.
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