Fredericksburg City Council voted unanimously Tuesday evening to continue negotiations with Diamond Nation for a stadium complex that would host the Hagerstown Suns and provide space for amateur baseball and softball camps and tournaments.
Read the full story at: City Council Votes to Continue Baseball Stadium Negotiations
Photojournalist Robert A. Martin documented the August 26 work session and meeting.
Diamond Nation Founder and Owner Jack Cust, Sr., (left) and President and General Manager Keith Dilgard listen to questions from members of Fredericksburg (Va.) City Council during the August 26 work session.
Photo, Copyright, Robert. A. Martin / 2014
Fredericksburg Mayor Mary Katherine Greenlaw (left) speaking with Jack Cust, Sr. (center) and Keith Dilgard (right) following City Council’s work session and prior to the regular session meeting.
Photo, Copyright, Robert. A. Martin / 2014.
Some of the city residents who attended the Fredericksburg City Council meeting.
Photo, Copyright, Robert. A. Martin / 2014.
Diamond Nation Owner Jack Cust, Sr., addressing City Council on August 26, 2014.
Photo, Copyright, Robert. A. Martin / 2014
A large turnout of Fredericksburg residents attended the meeting to speak for and against the latest deal from Diamond Nation. Anne Little, who organized a letter/email campaign and a petition, asked for a show of hands during her presentation of those against the city offering Diamond Nation more money.
For more on this story, see:
City Council Votes to Continue Baseball Stadium Negotiations
City Considers Real Estate Tax Exemption for Diamond Nation Stadium Complex
Do Not Jeopardize Fredericksburg’s Future Financial Capabilities. Say No to Baseball. (op-ed)
Diamond Nation Asks City for $18 Million More Towards Stadium
Suns Staying Longer in Hagerstown
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