
Stafford School Board selects superintendent search firm

by | Jun 26, 2024 | ALLFFP, Schools & Education, Stafford

The Stafford County School Board unanimously approved JG Consulting to conduct the search for a new superintendent of Stafford County schools during its June 25 meeting. The firm will begin the search process later this week, pending execution of the $40,000 contract.

The school board and JG Consulting will schedule meetings for the community to provide input regarding the qualities required of the next superintendent. Dates will be announced later this summer.

“Selection of the best superintendent candidate for their school division is the single most important decision a school board makes,” Board chair Maureen Siegmund said in a press release. “We will rely heavily on the information gleaned from our upcoming community engagement sessions, while calling on our vision for the future of Stafford Schools in order to select the next leader of Stafford Schools.”

To learn more about the superintendent search process, visit www.staffordschools.net/superintendentsearch.

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